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Alex Bass Tour and Event Producer on her life life in Tulum

In this episode of Tulum Magazine, we dive into a heartfelt conversation with the dynamic Alex Bass, an influential figure in the music industry. Born and raised in New Orleans, Alex details her journey, discussing her transition from aspiring pharmacist to a significant role in producing music festivals, managing stages, and handling artist relations. Emphasizing the behind-the-scenes magic that makes shows come alive, she shares her passion and advocates for more representation, especially for young BIPOC individuals, in these roles.

Beyond her professional life, Alex’s personal journey is equally captivating. She speaks candidly about her frequent visits to Tulum, Mexico, and how every trip made her feel more connected to the vibrant community and serene environment. This connection culminated in her decision to make Tulum her home base. As a woman of color in a unique industry and a traveler at heart, Alex’s story is a testament to the transformative power of travel, community, and self-discovery.


welcome back everybody to Tulum magazine the show where we talk to movers and shakers here in Tulum and those who have

been transforming their lives with travel and I’m really excited for you to meet Alex bass welcome thank you I’m

excited to be here I’m so nervous now oh you are fine this is family family

so I always say if I come back in another life I would want to have your

job I think you have the best job in the world so tell folks a little bit about

your background what you do yes um so born and raised uh in New Orleans

um and I work in the music industry of producing events mostly music festivals

um dealing a lot on the artist’s side during artist relations and then a lot

of the actual like technical production as well so stage managing and production managing and just helping putting all

the pieces together and you know all the things that people don’t know that happens in the background you know yeah

all the things that really make the show happen the stage and the lights and the audio

uh you know amazing stuff you know I just love to see a woman of color in

that role and we’re going to talk about Tulu but just for if there’s any young girls watching this show I just want

them to understand like how do you get an amazing job like that how did you find yourself in that field you know it

just kind of like when I graduated high school I went to school I was like pre-farm Yeah

because it was like that’s what you do you go to school to make money to get out of the environment that you grew up

in it was never like oh I want to be a pharmacist yeah no I just went because

that’s what I thought I was supposed to do um and then eventually I realized I had

no interest in that then I switched to like so wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you went to school to become a

pharmacist that’s how I started really but I never I didn’t make it to Pharmacy okay but like that was the goal yeah and

then I switched to what was it computer science because like I am technically Savvy yeah you

know and I was like and then like I’ve switched to mass com yeah and but it all

happened because I had a friend at the time whose father was in the industry and

we had a radio station at Dillard and he had his own like radio show right he was really big into like heavy metal and

rock music and he would find these bands that were coming through New Orleans and

he would get them to come to our school our HBCU right and come and

um he would interview them yeah and I would go and like hang out with them in

the studio and it was a blast in in the mass com building the the radio studio is kind of like this so

like when you’re walking down the hall you could see so it’d be like let’s see what’s happening all these like why guys we’re tattoos and piercings all over the

place people like what’s happening in there and we would just be having a time yeah so he kind of introduced me

into like just the different aspects of music and at the time Essence Festival

was um being produced by a local production company and they actually had

internships yeah at the time my first I’d come do this internship with me and I was like okay I guess and I

fell in love Yeah in that same year I did Voodoo Fest which was also run by the same company

um and I was like okay I think I like this yeah and then it just kind of snowballed from there

um today there’s not really internships in the industry yeah I urge you know all

of you know the young bipoc young people to just if you want to do it just go for

it yeah they need more of us in these spaces because there’s not you know and I want to make sure I’m Paving away

um for young people of color to be in this business because a lot of this business is US yeah you know yeah a lot of these

artists they like on the on the on the performance side yeah yeah so they need more of us on the back end correct and I

also feel like there’s just a lot of jobs that people don’t know exists so I’m a huge advocate advocate of letting people know like you don’t just have to

be to be artists or the or the good dancer yeah you can be a rigger you can be a lighting designer

you can be a front of house engineer or a monitor engineer you know you can be a carpenter like there’s all these

different aspects of production that I think the Young the youngs don’t really

yeah and so they miss out on these opportunities because we’re not in those

spaces yeah normally well you are yeah I love watching your Instagram every time

I know you’re going away for work I’m like okay I gotta see what you know I just saw here when you were at broccoli

broccoli City yeah yeah that looked like so much fun it was a good time it sounds like you are not afraid to take chances

to an extent okay yes and it’s it’s interesting because like I’m a cancer really like I’m true to my cancerian

sign I’m very emotional and I’m like this hard shell on the outside of a baby and the inside okay

I’m crying in the corner I’m like my emotions are all over the place so you

would think someone like that isn’t really trying to like you know take chances or like or you

know being accustomed to change but I kind of grew into that because I have like this very adventurous time to me

and I’m and I grew up a little shelter and I just feel like I’ve always just wanted to like no no yeah no like what’s

happening over there what’s going on over there so you know taking risk is

you know I’m a cancer too and it doesn’t mean we’re not scared but we still go for it you know yeah so speaking of over

there tell me about the first time you heard about this place called Tulum you know

it’s funny because I really don’t think I heard about it until 2020 yeah so

10 years ago I came here for my 25th birthday I just celebrated my 35th yeah so two years ago

I actually came to Mexico for the first time yeah for my 25th birthday and I went to Playa del Carmen and even then I

didn’t know about to live yeah and so in 2020 I actually moved to New York from

New Orleans and I was like I need to get out of here and I move thinking like

okay this is you know the next step in my career and like I can meet more people and network there’s more

opportunity and of course little do we know we would be inside for a year

um but you know it was the right move for me at the time yeah

um and so my birthday comes around in July and I’m like I gotta get out of this house and I’m like don’t

right so of course I’m like on the social media and I’m like hello what is this and so I just

booked the flight yeah and I came solo and and what was your first impression

it was well first I was just excited yeah I was just like yo how I was like I’m about to

go to the right give me like a margarita like what’s up and it was fine like I

wasn’t like afraid I did have a little moment of like anxiety um because if I recall correctly I think

I booked a Airbnb and love Alexa yeah and as we know now like the roads and

things aren’t great so even in 2020 there still wasn’t as much infrastructure as there is now because

things of just gone crazy yeah but I was like all right

I was like I’m gonna Embrace this this yeah it’s a little it’s like a little suspect but it’s all right and it was

fine everything was fine and I rented a car and I just

I met people along the way and I it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had and how long was your your trip so my

trip was only like maybe like four days or something yeah and then I extended it for a few more days yeah

um because I needed to get back funds were limited like you know obviously I wish I could have just like just stayed

tell me why did you extend it I just wolf one obviously I feel like a

pandemic played a big role in there but and just wanting to like be around people and be outside yeah but like I

just felt like I just feel good yeah I feel like free and I was I was like I was happy yeah I

felt happy in the midst of all you know just all of the sadness and just you

know all the horrible things that are happening in the world like I had this little moment of like

and like you know um I’m back yeah

to being inside right now and in New York you were based swim uh

in Woodside Queens okay yeah so back to like your shoe box or where you live no

I actually am very grateful of a really good friend of mine has a home there so

like oh I am and anytime I would go to New York even for work or just like to hang out I would always stay in her so

we had a nice house you know we had we have yards oh washer and dryer one of

the fortunate ones but it was still you know a few of us in the house yeah so very grateful for the

space that we had but we’re still stuck inside with each other for 10 months

yeah at all so um but we had a great time and

but when you know you just kind of you want your own space yeah at some

point so at what point did the idea of moving here

so that didn’t come around until 2022. yeah so came in 2020 for my birthday

yeah had such a great time I came back in 2021 okay

and same thing happened this time I came with one of my really good friends yeah and we had a blast and then I drove her

to the airport and I came back I was like I think I’m Gonna Save a few more days what you mean you were supposed to

leave yes I drove her to the airport and then came back so I drove all the way to Cancun dropped my friend off extended the car

and then came back and stayed for three days and I swear it was it felt like one yeah like it was gone

so fast yeah I was like I just used it and I had to go back

already so I just want to get into your headspace for a second okay so had you

had you already made the decision no are you like driving and I’m like oh my

God oh no no that happened like maybe the night before we’re supposed to leave yeah and you’re like I think I’m gonna

yeah I’m like I was out with my friends who I met in 2020 yeah the owners of the

Asian Bodega yeah Hunter Julio and Hunter so I didn’t know you met them the first time you came out at Hunter the

first time because I took myself to a birthday dinner at Parkwood yeah it was like the lead server there at the time

and he had been working there for years since he moved here yeah and like he came and sat with me he had a shot with

me and he invited me to Cozumel he was like come beat me and my friends in Cozumel and I was like

okay and mind you I just met him yeah like why

okay let’s just talk about that for a minute because like I noticed that friendships happen really fast I don’t

know whether it’s just as a byproduct of your traveling and you’re out here and it just accelerates everything but in

Tulum it just feels like you kind of make decisions about people really quick yeah I mean it’s the energy

yeah it’s the energy exchange and you you feel when people are just like genuine and I’m very like extroverted so

like I love to meet new people I love to travel like most of my travels if I’m not working the majority of them are

traveling solo so like I I love that um and he was just like really nice he

had a good vibe and he’s telling me his story like he’s from Atlanta and he’s like come hang out with us and I was

like okay let’s go like I was all for it and I did I met them at an all-inclusive

some random all-inclusive and we we parted like crazy people and we had the

best time so that was the first time so 2021 you reconnect with them I reconnect

with them then I bring one of my best friends and we have a blast and then she has to go back for work and I was like

well I don’t really have to go back today so I was like I’m gonna bring you to the airport

and like I changed my flight for like maybe like like 30 40 bucks or something

and and I came back and then um

yeah they stayed a few days okay so at what point do you decide

because you’ve been going back and forth yeah um and pre-covered were you always

working remote no like with this would this have been

possible pre-covet no because of well I was in the transition yeah so I was

living in Charlottesville prior to that I was the assistant production manager for a music venue so like I was like you

were fixed yeah and I did like you know a few events here and there but like my main gig was the video yeah so pre covet

no and then after that I I left Charlottesville for many reasons

yeah and I went home and I was like okay I’m just gonna go home and regroup and I

ended up being there for a year and a half and not much was happening and my mental was being affected by that which

is why I was like I need to go to New York so pre-covered probably not right no

no so now you you are here for the second time

and how is it that you’ve decided like what at what point did you decide I’m

going to make this a home base 2022 okay I come back a third time okay for my

birthday yeah and the boys are like okay you serious like you you here I was like I’m here again yes I’m here here again

and this time I booked an 18-day trip okay because I knew I was going to want

to stay for a long time yeah and I had the means at the time to to

plan something like that so rented a car flew in a Cancun drove to

buy the lead stayed there took myself to Chichen Itza because I had never been then I did one day in hobosh and then I

drove the Tulum and I stayed the rest of the time here yeah and I was like something clicked yeah I don’t know what

it was but it clipped and so I sat on it yeah for a while because this is July right and then I make the actual move in

October so from July to October I’m like sitting on nerves yeah you know debating

how am I going to tell my family how am I telling my friend that I’m moving out am I really doing this it’s just the

right decision because I had all these just emotions about it yeah and I was afraid and then I was like well if I’m

afraid for me that’s a good sign yeah when you’re scared to do something you should probably do

you know like you don’t know what’s going to come out on the end of it and that’s okay yeah and I was doing a lot

of work on myself at the time just like you know mentally and emotionally and

I was like I think this would be good for me I was like just do it yeah because if it doesn’t

work you can just exactly you can come back

so what’s it what’s it like living in Tulum because you are one of the people who’s like I am going to the beach yeah

okay you are like you’re like always trying to get your Beach time yes I am a

Cancer through and through take me to the pool take me to the Cenote take me to the beach water where’s the water the

water um what’s it like living into life I love it it’s a little tricky yeah I

think the general consensus as we all know like yes it’s it’s more expensive obviously it’s a tourist destination

um you know there’s the Gringo tax and all of that um

so it’s a little tricky like I prefer having a car yeah like so when I come I

try to rent a car for as long as I can but that gets expensive otherwise I’m on my little bicycle job

um and you know the taxis you know you gotta haggle with them you know it’s

always a situation with them but that’s just the small things we deal with to be able

to live how we want and to live in a beautiful place like this and these

locals are you know they they accept Us in like we’re in their

home this is their country and we’re here taking up space yeah you know I’m grateful yeah I I love it I

do I know it’s hot especially

I was getting a little more I want to get down to the nitty-gritty because you have a chance

to work in many cities you’ve lived in you know New York New York is easily one

of the most like top best cities to live in though you know it’s amazing but it’s

Yoli if you’re not the one percent y’all I don’t know how people make I don’t right I do not so is that a part of the

appeal of Tulum or is there something else because you know like you could be in DC you could be in New

Orleans you could be in in Atlanta you could be in Los Angeles you could be

funny because I don’t want to live in any other places okay so tell me tell me what is it about

it’s a little it’s a Vibe really it’s a Vibe and you just feel

like when I’m here yeah I feel good I feel at peace I feel like I can think

clearer like I can hear my thoughts you know

much more clear yeah it’s not so cloudy it’s not loud you know

and it’s calm and it makes you

it makes you like sit and like just appreciate like what you have and

there’s also a lot of lessons here you know and I’ve grown a lot here

um yeah I just I feel good yeah and that’s that sometimes that’s enough that’s

enough and which is why I feel like I would always come back and obviously just the community yeah and I

didn’t realize how much I needed that yeah too so like meeting you and Shauna and all these like amazing like

beautiful black women who have like are on this journey but in different ways like that has been

just that that has been amazing for me like

it’s I can’t even tell you like I could cry talking about it because it’s so special it’s so special and I didn’t

realize how much I needed that and so yeah I feel good also I can actually

look forward to live and sometimes you know I’m like we can’t figure it out

I cannot live like this in New York City yes I can’t and I love New York like I

love the city I like to go out I like to go to parties I like to go to the bar yeah I love me a Michelin star I like a

food truck and I love all of that excitement of the big city

and but it’s it’s not sustainable yeah it’s

really not I mean and who’s to say that we have to

give anything up I mean it’s like now you’ve got your home base yeah you know

you can go back and forth you’re still working and thriving in your career yeah you know so who’s to say that we have to

give anything up right um you know people um know Tulum can be a place where you

can turn up but there’s also a real spiritual side yes have you participated

in anything um you know you can do combo buffo

Temescal Ayahuasca mushrooms uh Reiki I mean the

list goes on and on are you uh do you partake any experiences you want to

share yeah so again this has all been a journey for me like it’s obviously everything’s a

journey yes it’s a never-ending Journey um I’ve definitely grown more like

spiritually like I grew up in the church like I was very into church when I was younger but as I got older like I’ve

shied away from like religion as a whole but we know that there’s more yeah you

can feel it um but yeah I

took in um a teammates I did I did two actually I

was very wow I did too wow so the first one

was Shauna put it together and I was like you know what let me tell you let me try like I’m in a space with

like women I trust who like have good energies I feel comfortable around and I

feel safer on them so I was like let me try this experience out once and I don’t

know why what made me do it yeah and I kind of had like

I was struggling like I had to get out yeah doing like one of the doors maybe for folks who don’t know just describe a

little bit about what it is so experience it’s like a cleansing experience so basically you’re in this

just imagine an igloo we’re made out of stone right and then in the center there’s a hole

and they put hot volcano Stones yeah volcanic stones in the middle and then

they put water on it with like herbs and then they bless the space and then it’s

like they just kind of take you through a door and you just start to release things that just no longer suit you and

just you know just clearing out your energy yeah but it’s like kind of sitting in it and you’re letting the

speed and it’s hot as hell it’s hot as hell it’s it’s you’re in the dark the door is closed and

it’s steamy and you have to sit in that for how long the ceremony lasts close to

three hours damn so between yeah between each door you come out okay well you

know you’re not supposed to leave but between each door they open the you know they lift the curtain get a breather

um but the first time I did have to I was like I need a minute because I was because you can feel claustrophobic yeah

you I was like panicking my heart was racing I don’t know if I could do this

but I didn’t yeah and then for some reason I was like called to do it again yeah I’m clear why

because it’s hot and I actually I actually made like I made

it through the first door without getting out without panicking so like I

felt like you know I progressed the book yeah like I had a little bit more discipline

yeah and my nerves weren’t they were still I was still nervous but like my anxiety wasn’t as high yeah and like

when you come out you just feel so much lighter yeah um so that’s really the only thing that

I’ve done um I have started to just like you know I’ve gotten into like slowly like

meditating like guided Temptations like I do a shower meditation yeah like I started cleansing my space in my

internet and it feels good it feels because before it be like

you know and I’ve house sat a couple of times for you your space is cute it’s calm yeah it’s calm and that’s what I

want I just want to feel good I want to feel at peace nothing is going to be perfect but whatever I can do to just

like keep my spirits up and like you know and to be able to be there for

other people like whatever that takes like that’s what I want yeah

because it it’s it’s real yeah that’s real and then even in Tulum I think one

of the reasons I don’t really do too much in the spiritual spaces I just feel like there’s so many

you know in charge to tell you like you know look out for the false prophet I’m like look up the false Charming too you

know because there’s a lot of predators yes and they prey on people’s vulnerabilities

um and also I just feel like everybody has a different level of you know spirituality that they want to

tap into yeah I’m cool with my little meditation am I saying yeah he’s into it

and I take myself every now and then yeah I’m good so

um let’s switch gears for a minute um you know there’s gonna be some people watching this who maybe might be

traveling for the first time yeah and their lives are thinking about leaving uh you know going outside of that

Country For the First Time there might be some women there might be some black women watching this and they want to

know what’s what it’s like traveling solo how have you felt as a black woman

in Mexico have you had any um like how do you feel

I feel good um coming from New Orleans you know it’s

funny because now when I go home I have so much anxiety yeah you know and I feel

like we go we leave our homes but we still you know we still stay up to date about what’s happening and we stay in

touch and you know I follow the local news um you know social media accounts just

to like you know be aware and it’s not pretty it’s not pretty and it’s

dangerous and you know of course you have your family coming like oh I saw that article about

Mexico and I’m like but I saw the news today yeah New Orleans y’all had a shooting over there a shooting over

there and you had one dollar block from you so what are we talking about and that

whatever story you saw that wasn’t even here you know like so I feel good obviously yes we have to

be aware of our surroundings no matter where you go you gotta keep your head on a swivel no matter where you go you gotta mind your business yeah no matter

where you go yeah and but are the Mexican people bothering you no they’re everybody’s very sweet and you know

yes thank you for checking for you yeah microaggressions in certain situations

because I do feel like Tulum can be kind of clicky yeah there’s there’s

definitely a pretentious Vibe usually from yeah you know the European expats

I’m just calling it like I see it but it’s a vibe in certain spaces not everywhere so there can be I feel like

any microaggressions I’ve had it probably come from other expats

that are you know right not of color um and I I’ve had a few in like certain

spaces where in my opinion I feel like of course they cater to like the white customers more

because we don’t we don’t got to go down that rabbit you know you know what you’re saying yeah but overall

I was like look my money is green red and purple too so if you want it you might want to come

and get it but overall my experience has been great everybody’s so nice the locals are nice and I just try to be

kind and just remember like this is not my home right and I think some expats

I think we forget that sometimes because we come in and we’ve taken up space and

then also created more space that excludes the locals and you know the

community and you know I think sometimes you just have to be real back in like yeah this is not

our country we are guests here right and you know so we need to be respectful and

kind and just open to like what they’re feeling too because like yeah we’re

benefiting but like yeah what you know what are they getting out of this yeah

so have you been anywhere else in Mexico um yes I love Mexico City yeah I even

thought about moving there because um it’s very similar to like to New York

that’s what I’ve heard the Uber is cheap oh my God that alone was enough to make

what like I took Uber from the airport which was like a 25 minute ride to where we’re going it was like ten dollars damn

exactly so these things count yes

and I’ve been running from hurricanes all my life you have one in New Orleans that’s like literally all of my life but

uh earthquake I just I don’t think I could manage

um and like I mentioned I did go to I drove to bio delete yeah I have a whole list of like I want to explore this

country there’s so many places I want to go like I have good friends in San Miguel like I’ve never been to Oaxaca

I’ve never been to Guadalajara I’ve never been to many there like there’s so many places I want to visit so just

gonna put them on your list it’s on my list got nothing but time yeah so they’re going to be some people who are

just traveling here they want to know the best spots let’s do some shout outs so you already know

all day okay those are my boys the bodega boys will get you right

um I spent way too much time there a restaurant and they have a food truck

and almost and I think Palmer Central is great because yeah there’s so many you know

different food trucks and it’s like it’s different from like a lot of the stuff you get in town like there’s a nice

variety of you know different cuisines in the food truck so I love promo

Central yeah food truck the Asian Buddhism the Asian Bodega food truck is different from the restaurants yeah so

you got to do it all you gotta do it all um you’re also Beach Queen so which

which beach clubs which beach I like to like okay it’s chill yeah and at night

the vibe is nice it’s beautiful and they also have a pool so like if there’s some

sargassum which is seaweed you know if it’s a little heavy on the seaweed you

got the pool but you can still lay out um and it’s chill on the other side on the the public side

um I do like um okay and they have the Asian restaurant

kigore which is like a really good sushi there so those would be my two picks for

these music okay okay and then also I got a shadow of Heartwood yeah and ARCA is

amazing too if you want if you want like a good meal on the beach that’s not like the party Vibe

yeah roasted negative like you want like you don’t want the Instagram you want like a good mace meal yeah yeah Heartwood and

ARCA all day where do you go for coffee baked goods I

don’t really drink coffee but I love nomeno okay so we’re getting some

croissants yeah okay so good and uh favorite Cenote or

different water experience I love the Lagoon okay I actually

haven’t been to Aston Hotel in a long time I love the the Lagoon so there’s Nique

yeah of course um which is pretty much where everyone goes to yeah or I guess she and Colin

yeah um yeah I haven’t been there in a long time but Nick is great it it’s actually

one of the places where I had the microaggression okay don’t leave that alone don’t leave it

alone but it’s a good time the water is amazing um you know they have a pretty decent

menu they have a full bar and it’s just like you really sit there and you’re

like you know what I can’t complain about anything no because I am so hopeless since my life to be here in

that on a we remember we took a trip it was

I can’t be upset about anything I can’t be mad at anything because I am

Beyond grateful that I can wake up call my girls up and say let’s go to the

Lagoon on the Tuesday and drink aperol Spritz I mean I don’t know who the hell you

think you are so it was a Tuesday it was a Tuesday

um okay let’s have a serious discussion okay this is like always on the mind

okay you are a young beautiful vivacious woman out here in these you know

Wonderful streets how do we deal with dating what’s the dating like when you’re on the road like

um Yoli what’s a date unclear all right it’s not all roses

we’re trying to show you it’s not always all the time okay I mean I I have not

let anyone said since I regret it I am in and out yeah because I go back to the states to work my shows

but I have not had much luck have you I have

not okay yeah but you know we’re not going to complain because we can’t have

it all well we can but in taking it’s

it’s in stages yeah it’s happening in stages I feel like soon yeah I’m like I

just want to like you know like bump into them like on the wine Outlet to drowney so there’s no Whole Food okay

you know so like that’s I don’t know

um I don’t know I would it would be nice to like have a partner at some point but I’m gonna just let the universe the

universe must be kicking up something real good for me because ciao so folks know we are out here we

are out here we are you know there is that hashtag black girls travel too yes we are out here and we’re not waiting

so we’re having fun in the meantime yes so come catch up with us so

um Alex yes I always uh talk about sort of a designed life okay you know and it

it sounds like you are designing your life you know you have an amazing career

you’re living in Tulu in the sun you get to travel yeah I love the Sun

what would you what advice would you give um somebody who’s thinking

I just you know I don’t think I can do it I don’t think I can uh leave that

corporate job or I don’t think I can live this way I don’t think I can find a

remote job or like what would you say to them I would say yes you can

you can do it and I would say just push yourself like I think we go through a lot of just like

self-sabotaging and imposter syndrome like I I still go through that now but

like there’s one there’s got to be a point in your life where you’re going to be like you know what

you got to tell yourself like I can do this I want to try this out let me write this out What’s it gonna look like if I

make it what’s it going to look at if I don’t what are my options just write it out and then just do it

do it because nothing’s gonna wait for you time’s not going to wait for you yeah nobody’s

gonna wait so just if you want it do it and if you feel like if you tell certain people they’re going to try to talk you

out of it don’t tell them don’t tell I told my family what did they say I told my family like

right before I left okay because I knew you’re like that’s happening I had so much anxiety about it I knew that there

was no way that I could do this if I told them ahead of time right because it would just be constant conversations

going back and forth about why would you go there yeah you’re gonna get kidnapped


she’s been kidnapped by us having fun at the Lagoon on a Tuesday so I told my mom

like maybe like a week or so before and I was like Mom just so we’re clear

I’m telling you to inform you I’m not telling you because I’m looking for feedback yes I’m

just I’m letting you know that your child is moving to another country and the decision has already been made and

of course like it’s our mothers like yeah she’s gonna you know they’re gonna say things yeah don’t worry and I’m like

say say your feelings but I’m telling you right now this is done yeah there’s

no talking me out of it my grandmother oh my God side irony like and then was

like well I did a hot air balloon in Mexico City for New Year’s yeah well ow um I think I

want to do the hot air balloon okay

they’re ready good good that’s what we call progress yeah am I going to visit

him once she had a great time she didn’t want to leave child I was like but you got it yeah so there’s there’s steps to

it there’s steps to it well Alex really admire you for the journey that you’re

on and the courage even through fear yes you know keep doing it no girl you keep

doing it listen y’all when y’all come

he’s a connector thanks again Alex thank you this is amazing
