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Philly Backpacker Jasmine Billions on her transformation to living in Tulum

In this episode, we sit down with the incomparable Jasmine Billions, a retired Backpacker, entrepreneur, and a woman who has truly embraced Tulum’s unique culture. Journey with us as she shares her exciting transition from a globe-trotting backpacker, party-goer, and insurance agent to flight attendant and business owner, launching a hookah hustle in Tulum. Her story is one of resilience, adaptation, and following gut instincts. After facing setbacks like the COVID pandemic and a house fire, she was drawn to Tulum, Mexico, where she found peace, spiritual connection, and a new opportunity for success. Whether you’re an adventurer or entrepreneur, this episode will inspire you to chase your dreams and find what calls to you. Join us in discovering how Jasmine’s backpacking experience shaped her ability to adapt and take bold moves even during uncertain times.


welcome back everybody to Tulum magazine the show where we talked to movers andshakers and those who are transforming their lives into Loom yes and I have been looking forward to thisepisode y’all I can’t wait for you to meet theincomparable Jasmine billions hello guys welcomeno this is amazing I’m super excited so happy to have you so Let’s Start Tell methe first time you heard the word Tulum umfrom another Backpacker who was at the time I must say more balls deeply sothat mean like they were they were more in tune to the culturethey were more they were off the resort right and I was like oh so at the time it was more like baccalaryeah what is now so undiscovered you know a lot more green low-key and um andyeah so that’s the first time I heard about it and whereabouts what what uh year was this like probably like 2018okay 2018 yeah and you said another Backpacker so you mean to tell me thiselegant woman sitting before me has been a Backpacker yes I am a retiredBackpacker okay so I am in these International streets I’d say I switched over to the business signs of things soa lot a lot more relaxed and laid back and a lot more polished but uh before I was just running around the worldenjoying cultures I was a partier um and really just getting outside ofPhiladelphia that’s where I’m from so I didn’t I wasn’t doing anything but I was doing a whole lot and I didn’t know atthe time so I in the beginning of my backpacking career um I would meet other individuals wholike I said that was it was their lifestyle right for me it was I was dealing with people saying you know likeoh you’re going here you’re going to get kidnapped and oh you know so and when I got into it it was like ohyou guys are just going to a coffee shop and oh yeah it was just like a normal way of life so right that’s when I gotinto the culture started doing it more a little bit more purpose just to seeum more like babies and then once I don’t want to jump ahead but once I learned about that other opportunitiescame and I was like oh boom this is what we’re doing because I knew how but yeah I am a former Backpacker retired andum what was your first impression when you came to Tulum oh man I I just knewit was like something pulled me here like when I was here I was staying in a hostel downtown yeah called straw headreally cute really hippie-ish um and it’s like a calling so you may ifyou may be watching or even I know you’ve heard that it calls you it speaks to you it’s a spiritual place and Idon’t want to get all like that but it’s true but it’s true and and you just havea sense of relaxation yeah um peace and whatever you’re looking forwhen you come here you’re gonna find it you’re gonna find it so so tell me about the six to eight monthsbefore you came to Toulouse what was happening in your lifeso okay I was backpacking backpacking and then Iretired I was living in Puerto Rico um too and then I was like you know whatPuerto Rico’s not working for me this was like January 19 ish yeah and I moved backfrom Puerto Rico like November 18. um at this time I was a flight attendantI’m still a flight attendant I just don’t fly that much um so I became a flight attendant so Ican fly for free right so I can live abroad and now grow up in thebackpacking Party World right so I came back to Atlanta from Puerto Rico and Iwas like you know what I’m gonna move abroad I’m really gonna do it I’m really gonna do it but she’s still nervous yeahI’ve been around Backpackers I’ve traveled but you said I still don’t have a cousinor a friend to talk to you know I’m still not just on YouTube right um so I I came up with a hookah businessand I got my business Visa in the UAE the plan was to move to the UAE anddo hook and shisha I mean that’s where it came from right a long story short covet happened so this was January 2020and the whole world was shut down yeah so I was like um well you know when the world opens upagain we’ll keep going but I felt like I felt like it was taken from me you knowwhen I finally got the balls or the nerve to do it right it was ripped from me right and that’s like the worstfeeling in the world like when you work yourself up to something and you get a door slammed in your face you knowbecause now you know the possibility of right and now it like haunts you but umso you know we’re going through covet you know and then June 2020 my houseburned down so um yeah I know it’s crazy but mybackground in real life my professional background as an insurance agent before I became a flight attendant soyou know that was well written first yeah that’s like you know someone left thecandle little caught the curtains but um yeah my house burned down in June 2020 and again the world was closedum couldn’t get back to the UAE like you know but this is and we might jump back you knowfourth but this is where the backpacking came in because we went in back intothat collapsing building and saved the passports because at this time there was no emergency passport there was nothingeverything was yeah I remember 2020 it was like a long list to get so you wentback into the Vernon house to get your passport listen let me tell yousomething priorities once you have realJam you can’t go back to Smuckers right because you can taste the high fructosecorn so it praise God and the great number four so I knew the there was no way in hell Iwas going to stay in a pandemic with no house I mean the only thing that was saved was my passport and my dog milkyKing Nookie praise God king of apples and legitly we had nothing I had to flexmy fiance I had to call him he had to come home from work like we had nothing I went to the Dollar Store and came backno house so always get your insurance but um but I knew about oh Mexico was openthey just had opened two weeks before right and I was like oh we’re going to Mexico right you see so that confidenceI had to come to Mexico Tulum wasn’t I’m not going to say it wasn’t but I knewMexico a backpack through there yeah I’ve seen the culture I was off the resort there is no cartel hunting methere but propaganda right so it was just like ohyeah let’s go let’s go back to Mexico what animal flight attendant so we gotflights what so you didn’t skip a beat gone wowwhen did you decide so you came here with your fiance by myself first you didyeah because remember we thought we were going to go to the UAE Mexico was holding us down to the world figured outwhat they was doing so I thought I see because there was no way you know westayed we had the hotel for a month through insurance after the hotel we stayed at my mother’s side room and andthat that would have worked well praise God praise God the support there yeah but I knewwith half of what we were spending in rent yeah you know because we was able to get out of that lease they were justgoing to move us into another building on the property and I was like oh no no no please terminate that yeah because Iknow with 700 or a thousand dollars a month what I can really do yeah andthat’s how um and that’s all because of the backpacking if I never would have started backpacking in Solo travelingand like what I have been confident would I have bust that move right so so you come here on your own rightand then just playing around you know coming out of retirement when did youdecide okay okay let me tell you so okaygreat story so I’m in the hostel and I and and um and things is great I’m here for twoweeks I’m just you know out of retirement getting back mood shaking and I’m talking to the Hostileum black receptionist or something like that and I was talking about my hookah business remember I was supposed to go to Dubai do the hookah and they was likeoh [Music]I’m like so Tulum is Tulum man yeah taboo istaboo and now yeah but they’re in 2020 nobody even knew it existed except forthe nipsy hustle thing right you know let’s Keep It Funky you know praise God yeah so it was acrazy opportunity to um Hustle the hookahs yeah you know just a little side hustle Chris thoughand um so I wound up going back home I had two weeks here met a lot of people wonderful and I wound up going back homeand something was like you need to go back and find an apartment it’s just that gut feeling I mean I have chills ohcan you see it it’s like and I was telling Fricks I’m like I think we should move to Mexico and just justuntil you know until the world opens yeah and I was like two days I startedlooking for apartments and then when I repack two days later I went back down and I brought my hookahsand I stayed back at the hostel and I was doing ten dollar bowls on therooftop you know what I mean and then that’s how it kind of started soum what was the question but I hope that said it so so when did you decide thatokay that’s it right so I I came back down to find a place because of thecalling I could sleep and I’m hustling the hookahs and people are you know and I called back Rex and Isaid in real life right you know he just launched this to kill a business flightsfrom Cancun is up the street you know it’s kind of it’s like yeah it’s right there it’s easy it’s easy and Ioverlooked Mexico because it was oh this is Mexico it’s so close to home I’m a Backpacker I’m trying to go in right nowdo you know what I mean I must say I did I did because it wasn’t foreign enough for me yeah man it just I didn’t thinkabout it I didn’t think about it but long story short I’m here because it just it just worked it was just likethis is where you’re supposed to be right and there’s no such thing as coincidence rightand then it was like oh yeah this is this is where it’s at so yeah that’s how I ended up herehere so you you are one of those people who I think is such a hustler such ago-getter yeah such a you know juggling multiple businesses yeah what has itbeen like being an entrepreneur here trying to run businesses from here whatare some of the good and the bad I think it’s um let’s start with our personal self andself-discipline I like to chase squirrels I’m a professional squirrel Chaserum so even though I find New Opportunities faster than others and I can process things faster than othersit’s still overload so it’s where do I put my priority time you know you knowso and the self-discipline I’m on vacation every day you know here it’s Imean let’s just keep it funky you come to Taboo for a weekend I’m here in real life so that can get in the way you knowso I that’s the hardest thing for me is self-discipline because no one’s on yourback to tell you to do it right and when you’re down in sales and you hustle it up then you’re up then you’re relaxedand you’re like oh so it’s like keeping that not so big of a bell curve yeahum the great side is the international market and that’s like you know I was going into Dubai for the same reasonsright so it doesn’t matter if it’s Mexico or anywhere else in the world yeah and the states a lot of things aresaturated you know we are the fathers of capitalism and everywhere else in theworld something that is so easy for you for us or Canadians you know in the west Worldum it’s not everywhere else like shisha or hookah I mean they never had realauthentic or Arabic shisha you you said that bubble gum like what what are we doing it you know and it’s like youdiscover a new market right and I always like preach and heart like currenciesconvert over so there’s this such a prejudice against foreign currencies because it’s lessmoney but at one time I don’t know the conversion 2 000 pesos is one hundred dollars period so it doesn’t it doesn’tit doesn’t matter don’t look at it like oh I don’t win at peso you understand yeah look at it as being a globalcitizen because um money is money yeah money is and youdon’t and you’re not it’s not as a saturated market right you know it’s crazy it’s it’swild you have the internet so so talk talk um to folks about the businesses thatyou have here yeah uh or you’re running from here yeah so yeahput my nerd glasses on you can give them this like your top three top three okaywe have me and my fiance owned together a billboard company a digital billboard company so we help small businessesenter the world of ooh which is out of home advertisement so Billboards busstops anytime you see advertisement in a restaurant a gym it’s you know legallystalking your target market right right and when they’re Journey throughout the day um and this is U.S Focus This Is UsFocus so you can get folks nationally exposed oh yeah and what’s the websitethat they need to go to it’s ianj right now people praisethem um our second one is we have a Beauty Supply Store Onyx Beauty and it’slocated online and our brick and mortar is at the clubhouse you pick it up shop hereas well and Playa as well we’re at the house of Vibes we do a lot of pop-ups there okayum you know supporting back to this is a point of again when I moved here did notthink about opening a beauty supply store right but you know we need some edge control right you know we need thingsthat yeah you know curly girls and even the non-curly girls you know all through the spectrum because of this the hardwater in Mexico the humidity they you know certain people don’t know how to deal with frizz I mean we can go on andon and um I’m like I got an idea let’s go use these uh flight benefits and flyback and forth right so that’s that’s how that happened so that was an idea that came about that I would have knownunless I ventured out right and currencies transfer overum my next one is helping people like you know talks like this realize that it’s another way yeah whether if you’rea retirement with dream lesson go so that’s the name of my travel agency or consultant companyum because I want you to dream less and go there’s no like oh I wish I would do this or I don’t know how it’s like I’m abrown girl from North Philadelphia in real life popping Willies I didn’t but you knowum and it’s like again you don’t know what’s outside of the US if you’re justlooking at those major news channels pump you with information that’s bend ita certain way yeah that’s what I’m saying so um I get great joy out of that like helping um retirees you knowstretch their budget helping new individuals get a peace of mind startover fresh um work remote even if it’s for a month or two no one said you had to be like[Music] if you did two months here your world will be changed it’s going tomake you change it’s going to let’s talk about that that’s amazing how do you feel like you’ve grown over thelast few years you’ve been in Mexico how long now three years in real life I am a resident yeahno real life umokay so for me again I like to chase squirrels I’m much more calmerI’m from an inner city I used to like think that here in the fire alarms at night or something now I’m in the jungleand I understand peace um I was able to heal and because youcan’t heal where you get sick at right everybody doesn’t have a sad story can you say that again please oh you can’theal where you get sick at it you know what I mean like when you get sick you isolate yourself from your family evenif it’s like a common cold right or you know you have toit’s right and it’s it’s a reset and and I need people to understand because Iwasn’t always welcome you know I was in these streets you know so it’s like heyJasmine he was at the bar two a.m and 03 I’m like yes I was oh no three I was gonna see like oh nine two dogsbut um but yeah so it’s a more Balanced Life okay and honestly for me it’spersonal I’m okay with sharing getting my business a little bit um I was more masculine because of thestrong black woman um you know the American lifestyle just all the stereotypical things thatis done on purpose to put us out of balance yeah but you don’t know that until you step out right so just on apersonal note relationship with me and my fiance we’ve been together eight years and I look back at time as this grownbeautiful woman just out here okay just out here being the soft light the soft line right and I don’t wanna you knowbut it’s true right other uh groups of people you know have experienced thatmore than others yeah in a general right so when you do like my friend myshoulder you might even catch me because I’m doing it now but my shoulders is always up right yeah and like from here to hereso play back this and just watch I’m gonna how long have my shoulders been up and now it’s just a thing I don’t evenknow why intense for crying out loud so I’m using that as a basic thing because we hold tension here but when we’regoing on in life how much have we been tense yeah like you know obviously youcan let your shoulders you can let your shoulders downand and and now I look back and I ask friends I’m like God that was a handful wasn’t I he was like yeah and I’m likethen I’m like man I’m getting offended and I’m like wait a minute it’s not attacking me I gotta go through my stepsyou know he’s not attacking me it’s okay you’re not there no more and I’m seriousI’m joking but I’m very serious yeah so even though you may have been a handful or flying off the hand or a lot whateveryour story may be it’s only because of something and you can unlearn that butyou can’t unlearn it in the environment where it was where you were brainwashed you were programmed and brainwashed andevery sense of the way so yeah man I’m learning to relearn is iscrazy but it’s wonderful so it’s been three years I’m now like yeah like I’m not just triggered as much you knowum I don’t over share as much because I talk a lot you know whateverso you know people talk about coming to Tulum to party yes you see it on Instagram yeah but they also know thatthere is a spiritual side oh yeah um The Wellness side yeahum have you participated you know in any of you know there’s like anything youwant to do here you can do mushrooms you can do Campbell you can do fufo you can do Ayahuasca you can do temascal you canyou can you can meditate you can do breath work you can do yoga what you doing what am I doingso shrooms has been when the backpacking in Amsterdam you know what I’m sayingthat actually broke me into my Spiritual Awakening which is crazy becausemy house burned down June 2020 in MayI took shrooms because I was battling hear me hear me I was battling my higherself and what I knew a backpack I seen the world but I was still battling with oh Jasmine like you sure you want to dothat people say so I said you know what I’m gonna take some shrooms I’m going to write down my questions not the party toreally get enlightened and I’m gonna write my questions now I did that andpotatoes this was my aha moment if you’re taking shrooms you usually have an aha momentit was you are who wait you are who you’re going to beand I might be messing this up but you are who you’re going to be and who youwere so that’s literally was the line that I just heard right you are so basicallythe woman that I am today is who I wanted to become that was three yearsago but I couldn’t imagine myself talking to you now like what like you get what I’m trying to say I see it butwho I was the backpacking Jasmine or the being before that was already the personwho was trying to figure out me so nothing changed between oh wait 1419. it was there and then a month later my house burneddown so also I knew I’m new oh I knewyou just have it inside of you like okay you took the house right like there’s no parachute you know getout of here so the spiritual World God whoever Allah whoever will push you toobecause I was asking for so get here I’m working on those things I was doing breath workum yoga being more still and again we talk about you know my lifebeing you know like I drive in chaos like I’m a chaotic person but I but thenI start like once it stops working for you now you’re just on a hamster wheel rightthen I got off the hamster wheel and was like I’m not getting back on that right because it doesn’t work anymore but Iwant to do Ayahuasca I’m open to buffu in all the now you know all the thingsum just to say but I wanted to bring that in shrooms brought me here yeah and now I’m yeah man were you doing yogabefore or I did it but just more of a yeahwe’ve done Pilates like you know it wasn’t it wasn’t really on that shadow work it really wasn’t onthat calming my soul it wasn’t on that you know healing my body even though I knew it was a good thing you know youknow of it but you’re not in it right you know sodoing yoga with your girlfriend on Friday in Buckhead Atlanta I mean you know after that I’m getting cocktail andthen we’re at Magic City you know what I’m saying but but you know now it’s a lot different yeah it’s a lot moreappreciated yeah still have a cocktail I love it I love one of the things I love is watching your Instagram videos andseeing you and frags out and about um you know there’s a lot of people thatare traveling solo right there’s a lot of people that are out here looking for a mate yes you are here with your man ohyes what has that been like like what are some lessons you know if there are couples who are thinking about making amove together yes and if it’s and if you and if you’re notI’m Gonna Keep It Funky um frex was my biggest supporter inbecoming a Backpacker he dropped me off at my at the airport my first solo trip okay you know he’d send me money andAmsterdam you know party a little bit too far um you know when I wanted to become aflight attendant he was there from when I quit my job as an insurance agent so Iwas going from close to six figures to nothing but for the for the benefits it was a purpose yeah but everyone can’tsee that Vision right um and we weren’t married you know you know we’re in that stage now but this iswhen we were dating yeah um and and I wasn’t the healed woman youknow I wasn’t you know probably the worst but let’s just put all that you know um but also too when I chose thislifestyle I chose it for myself right and I think that’s important too so yes it’s good to have a partner to come withit and I’m proud of that yeah but you got to be prepared to leave so when Idecided to become a Backpacker and you know like really move abroad and try to start a business I asked himhis Acts you know do you want to because he doesn’t come from this backgroundlike you know what I mean we’ve come through it together but he’s not the backpacking hippie running around right no that man is in the house chillingyeah real calm um so I was prepared to go alone and Ijust wanna make that clear because a lot of people won’t do it yeah because now not saying it wouldn’t hurt or this thisand that but you know he’s going to do it because he wanted to do it right right for whateverhis reasons want to be me like whatever right yeah and that way no one is doingit for the other and there’s a resentment so if you lose your partnerin the in that way you you’ve got to be prepared for them you know because thenif it happens five years later then it’s oh I should have went to Mexico or oh I should have and that I don’t even regretyou know and someone that loves you this is the truth you know the old heads say it if they love you they’re going to dowhat they have to do to be with you yeah and that’s what France did which praise God beautiful man you know what I meanso but he made he went in his process and was like I’m gonna move abroad withthis crazy backpacking woman and make sure she ain’t in these streets unsupervised okayso but in that being said um coming here and moving his whole lifeI mean it’s it’s it’s I’m not even gonna front like oh you know it’s beautifuland that support with him there because no one knows you’re like a partner yeah um and yeah man and yeah and if you haveto come singles in a national world man it’s out here yeah no it’s wonderful to watch it’s beautiful to watch so there’sgoing to be some people watching this yes who are coming just for you know they’re just gonna come check it out ofcourse so let’s give some shout outs to some of your favorite places okay sowhether it’s you know what’s your favorite place to get some coffee or breakfast in the morningum so I live at the clubhouse to themum juggling on my hats okay I am here there are champagne here there’s beerhere okay there’s food here there’s Wi-Fi there’s air air conditioningpraise God right smack dab in lavaletta so my favorite neighborhood is lavaletta I live in lavaletta I’m biased againstaldeizama I’ll tell you why the Zama is more cookie cutter and more like homeof the lavaletta you’re with the locals you have more an authentic feel rightand some people may not like that that’s fine yeah um so where do you want where do youlike to get some baked goods um or what’s your favorite taco place myfavorite taco place is a I’m a street food type person okay um I don’t know the name but Norma Iknow she’s like I can tell you the person and what corner corner I meanmaybe I’ll make a comment when this goes up and I’ll type this at the bottom but it’s in central where the Taco standsare um it’s essential so in town in town Central Tulum explain thiswhat’s it across the street from oh so you know the it’s the blue localmarket it’s a flower store a florist right on the corner okay that didn’t do much but we’re gonna have to get a linkwhat is your favorite um way to enjoy the beach like any favorite Beach Club well see no I can’ttell you my super favorite on the internet you gotta get keep a little bit because yeah let me tell you something don’t be giving away if I come if I comeback now and someone and it’s charging to get in 2500 pesos I’m gonna be so mad my second favoritespot is right where El Pez it’s a closedhotel but it still comes up on Google okay so if you type in El Pez right next door it’s a whole Coveum it’s a big mountain that you can walk up take your drone pictures you can do a flying dress off of oh you can’t I’mgetting someone a business idea um that sounds cool yeah and the turtlesthe turtles are planted and they may hatch whenever they are hatched so youif you can catch the turtles hatching that’s awesome so El pen El Pez right next that’s in the hotel Zone it’s onthe hotel Zone on the Strip okay any favorite um cenotes or lagoonsthe lagoons I don’t know what it’s called but it’s called Laguna well that’s Lagoonum [Music]oh Nick not Nick no no oh okay what about cenotes anyfavorites I’m not really anything person I mean if someone wants to go I’m like tagging along but I’m not the person tobe like that yeah I usually just want to go to a pool bar okay what’s yourfavorite pool bar my favorite pool bar is ogande okay um which is in lavaletta again I’m bysuper bias okay mixed with locals that’s it here let me tell y’all if I come and it’s and it’s it’s busy downstairs apool hall there’s a place where you can hold meetings and stuff is usually really quiet outside balconyum and then upstairs is the pool okay um swim up bar soum any advice for young women yeah who are thinking abouttravel for the first time yeah traveling outside of the US for the first timeand they’ve heard some stereotypes about Mexico right rightum we always get the question is it safe yeah yeah what’s your answer listenum pull up your news wherever you’re from okay read that news and then I’masking you are you safe and this word comes back to unlearningright because you don’t know so that’s okay I’m not gonna beat you up but you have to understand you neverexperienced it for yourself but you have experienced um people now teaching you at your localyou know department store in the states about human trafficking what you have experienced is mass shootings in thestates that’s like over 100 before half a year and it’s like withit tickles me is the Blind Eye we turn to that right like like can you imagineif there was a hundred school shootings in Mexico Oren is around this area rightbut when it happens in the states it’s thoughts and prayers yeah and oh that was in Ohio so it doesn’t affect youright but then you call me and tell me something like this is people I get this in real life yeah you know wearingCancun area and Yucatan yeah close to Cuba and you’re sending me stuff thathappened in Cabo which is the equivalent of Florida and California yeah legitlyyeah so my thing is for people to understand and you’re not thinking aboutit right but I’m from Philadelphia I’m not calling Chicago saying you heardabout like they don’t care right not not one is happening yeah twoyou gotta understand one how big it is and yeah put it back on yourself do you if you’re from you know or Chicago youworried about what’s happening like like let’s not play this game rightand I think like when you realize when you’re because people are used to like regurgitating what you hear about theydon’t have their own thoughts and you don’t even know they’re your own thoughts because again here’s a program so you’re just spitting out the lastarticle you heard you’re just spitting back you haven’t spoken to anyone ever you haven’t you know what I’m sayingbut but but you you tell me about how there’s a tissue on the car and if youtouch it you can pass out there’s all these ways in the states that we have tobe alert right if there’s a zip tie on your car that’s marking your car and I’m not trying to we don’t even I don’t eventhink about those things so sad right but if I bring up those type topics it’staboo right but but then you’ll teach someone about how to not why is it happening right andyour local place and the Blind Eye yeah is what messes me up I mean I grew up inPhiladelphia praise God absolutely brotherly love but a couple times or two it was named the murder capital and I’mnot proud of that right I didn’t make this up I’m just we’re notlike let’s just so you can live in the murder capital and I’m pretty sure everybody else have stories about theircity but then when you leave it’s like it’s that double standardness and it’sout of fear but then on the flip side that same person or persons would come to Taboo toshake their tail feather black is 19.99.and again I don’t mean are you safeI mean okay so okay I remember another questionthat’s always in the back of our mind yeah you know is is you know is it ishave you do you feel welcomed as a black person so let’s just talk about like just in travel in general are thereplaces where you’ve just been like felt more welcome than others how do you feel here in Mexico right so like as ablack woman because that’s another thing like where am I safe at right yeah and the thing is is thatracism right just a like a statement and colorism you know it’s everywhere in theworld right so you’re not going to escape it I think people you’re trying to like it just stops itdoesn’t stop there’s always going to be someone with a bias of whether they were taught or learned on TV right right butum so yeah but as an American there’s nothing there’s nothing you can do to meoutside in an in somewhere that hasn’t happened to my ancestors or hasn’thappened to me in the states meaning you don’t get a whole new type of racismsomewhere else someone calls you the n-word let’s let’s just go to the worst because apparently that’s what peoplealways want to hear right yeah so if someone was to give you a slur give you a dirty look or something like thatis that gonna make or break like yeah that could put a damper on your dayyou know but if that did happen you’ve already experiencedyou know so it’s like don’t let that stop you but 80 of the time it that’snot happening it’s more curiosity yeah it’s more they want to get to know you oh look at my dance move Michael JacksonSnoop Dogg Beyonce right even if we want to be funny andstereotypical right you know then there may be someone that’s like oh you knowblack person steals or something and but where did they learn that from they learned it from a movie or gangster rapor you know so it’s still a stereotype like across the board that that personlearned it from somewhere so but most of the time like I haven’t had a racist incident hereum Italy was my when I was in it I mean which I mean you know so again again it’s did I wasoh okay you thought you know you know no keep it pushing yeah you said he’s great praise God you know nextnext right it’s it’s not um one funny storyif you sign up for the smart program with in the states and it just tells yougives you alerts and whatnot of what’s going on and where you’re at I was inSweden no lie I had alert for the Nazi having a rally in downtown Swedennow that is something we need to you know okay you pay attention to thatthis is what I’m talking about right not if the old man who got my assist don’t want to give me a cookie from his bakeryor not I don’t care you know but in the sense of you know when I got that alertI was like oh you’re like I guess I’ll avoid that street and this is what I did I went tothe local person I said hey hi you know I’m just new to the area um where is this at and they were likethey were like oh no it’s downtown yeah dong you shouldn’t go downtown and I stay right in my two three black radiusnow was I super danced or super you know because energy attracts energy you knowso no I stayed away from the rally or whatever it was downtown but that was a real life thing yeah you know and that’sso ironic Sweden ain’t that one it’s the happiest countries in the world listen but there’s always some people who whomad to your point to the point yeah you know so that was my only like you knowum have I gotten stairs and places I really can’t tell if it’s an admiration or if it’s in like who’s this chocolateand honestly when people understand when we travelwe don’t travel yeah so you you are the spokesperson rightand that’s why it’s also important to be well mannered you know understandbecause you know if you’re traveling through Tulum the Mexicans here if youshaking your tail feather and acting crazy let’s just say they can’t tell the difference between me and you rightwe’re all just the same right I’ve been living here three years and now they’re judging me and giving me a hard timebecause of your actions of you know what I mean like causing and this is Extremeyeah but I’m just giving an example but um so no dining and ditchesrestaurantsyeah because I remember early early covet day uh-oh I was like I rememberhearing some story about somebody dining and ditching I was like oh please don’t let them one[Music] people to live in the other countriesother races will be looked at oh they are living here they’re working abroad right we are just generally looking likeoh you just on vacation and when you come this happens right now I’m cominghere with my laptop trying to you know reorder for the guest house I mean from here and you know praise goodness yeahwell now you are a global citizen Global citizen you know a woman of the worldand you know you got your Mexican yeahhey yeah man different currencies same bankaccount just converting on over Jasmine billions building her Billion Dollar Empire that’s it okay integrate it youwanted it here first so Jasmine how can people get in touch with youum I’m on LinkedIn Jasmine billions I’m on um Facebook Instagram Jazz andbillions I I will come up because you know it’s pretty unique um I especially like again I specializein out of home advertisement helping people move abroad I’m here I’m really genuinely here for youum No Nonsense no fluff giving it to you straight and um anyone can do it man it’s it’s so rewarding even if it’s parttime just see what it’s like yeah bring the kids here for the summer for summerclasses Spanish classes there’s so many things so ease yourself into just likeshe did well Jasmine thank you as always thank youit’s always such a joy to talk to you all right folks get in touch with her that’s Jasmine billions